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Some Common Validation in Active Records (Rails)

Hello everyone, As we know in almost all the web applications there are forms, text boxes and several other fields which need big time validations so that the security of the application is maintained and no one should be able to alter it or play ar

Setting limit for the no. of words per record in solr while fetching

Fetching records in solr: Once you have finished with indexing in solr, now you can perform search on your records with the help of queries. Go to the url: http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection/query  There is box with q, here yo

Basic OpenERP Object Attributes and Different Field Types

An object attributes is defined by declaring some fields with predefined names in the class. Two of them which are required (_name and _columns). The predefined fields are: _auto: Determines whether a corresponding PostgreSQL table must be generate

How to Send AJAX Request Using YAHOO User Interface Library?

If you want to send ajax request using yahoo user interface library, for that follow the below mentioned code step by step. First Import Yahoo libraries in page you want to access them Include namespace echo (reference path) YAHOO.namespace("echo")

Two Way Binding in Swift

Hi All, Two Way Binding :- In two way binding, data flows in both direction, from object to UI and vice-versa. For instance, you can have a UITextField called as nameTF which is binded with an object having property nameValue. So when the object va

Test scenarios for Database testing

Following are the possible test scenarios to test Database:- 1) Exact data is saved in database on successful page submission. 2) Only after successful completion of operation data is saved in database. 3) To test values for columns which does not a

Salesforce web-to-lead integration in Drupal 6

Salesforce is becoming popular which is used for tracking sales leads, managing mailing lists etc. Drupal webform is a bridge module that helps to feed submitted data into salesforce. Salesforce Integration require following modules to be installed

Kanban view in Odoo-9

Kanban view defined as “A kanban view shows a set of cards possibly grouped in columns” it is important for odoo module to describe xml functionality. For example you can see below code which is use in .xml file. <record model="ir.ui.view" i

Form Views Default Rules

Default Rules of Form Views- Form Views shows how each object is displayed in openerp browser. The field disposition in a form view always follows the same principle. Fields are placed on the screen from left to right, and from top to bottom, acc

MYSQL, PHP :- Query Concatenating Fields To Make Date And Running Between Query On It

Recently, I faced a problem when the date was saved in different fields month, year and date. I need to club all these fields together and run a between query on it. Another issue which was there was that Date has '0' contacted if the value is less

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