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This posts will provide you a brief overview of PHP which is the most popular web development language. It is targeted to the audience having basic knowledge of programming. The readers searching for more in-depth knowledge will be disappointed.
In SQL, LIKE clause is basically used to search the homogeneous data using wildcard from a database. The LIKE operator is used to find out the particular string from a table's field into database.
Some wildcard examples are given as b
Hello Readers
In my previous two blogs, I separately explained about Password Validation using JavaScript and Password Validation using HTML5. In this blog, I will explain you all how to separate form and function, so basically it will help
This wildcards is used when we want to match a string pattern . And this can be do with the help of wildcards only .
In SQL there are two types of wildcards :
% : Percentage sign which represent 0 , 1 or more characters .
_ : Underscore which repr
Email validation using regex
The Email Id such as adam.sandler@findnerd.com is made up of local-part, an @ symbol and then a domain part.
Hence, Email Id is of the form : local_part@domain
*TLD = Top Level Domain
Some Valid Emails
CakePHP 3.0 Conventions
Welcome to FindNerd. Today our discussion is based on CakePHP 3 Conventions. Conventions means a way in which something is usually done. In CakePHP 3 there are different set of rules which must be followed. With the hel
With the rising utilization of the web, search engine optimization has turned into the master of internet marketing. SEO is only an approach to facilitate your activity of directing traffic to your webpage. In fact, sources state that 75% of the gene
A Login Form that uses cakephp auth component to login and logout and access is denied if user is not authorized.
step 1: users database table.
First create users table in your database:
Hey there!
In this blog I’m going to tell you how to validate your username and password and how to match password to confirm password. Lot’s of websites now require registration, meaning that users need to be assigned a username and pas
Customers require Information at every stage
Why do brands stick around advertising?
Certainly, pitching leads is an ultimate motto. But today, it has come across just pitching. When Google launched Adwords in October, 2000 with 35