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Fetch the particular data on click of dropdown and display that data in the table

To fetch a particular data with the help of id on click of a drop down, We have to make a database with table named products and in that table we have to add various columns like id, name, cost, color. Then write following code in the ProductControl

Custom drop down select box

Drop-down list is a common feature in HTML5 to create web pages attractive. It is a toggleable menu in which user can select one value from predefined list. First item will be shown selected automatically. To create a drop-down list we use <select

Validation in AngularJS

Hello Readers, Hope you are doing good today. Today on My blog, I am going to explain how you use Form Validation in AngularJS. First, you need to use the AngularJS library in your page. AngularJS provides client-side form validation. Validation no

How to create a program in python that will auto-fill forms?

Here is my HTML code: html <html> <div class="echo-chat-body" dir="ltr"> <div class="new-chat-form"> <div> <h1 class="echo-title desktop-only"> Topic? </h1>

what is the main purpose technically speaking about the abstraction in programming using DI, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes?

I viewed a couple of answers online regarding Abstractions, Abstract Classes, Interface's, DI, and Loose coupling. But none of these answers are answering my question. I grouped these topics because they are related to achieving abstractions. Got

Handling Pop-ups in Web Driver

Handling Pop-ups in Web Driver In the web application there will be different types of pop-ups such as: Alerts pop-up. Confirmation pop-up. Hidden division pop-up. Page on-load pop-up. File download pop-up. Child browser pop-up. Depending upon t

Is there any role of Manual Software Testing in DevOps?

In this article, we will know about the role of manual software testing in DevOps. However, it is important to know, what is DevOps? As the name suggests, it is a combination, rather a compound of development and operations. It is a process which inv

Why HR Certification is Essential for Your Human Resources Career

Are you an HR professional looking to advance your career in the human resources field? No matter how many times you change your job for a mere 30% to 40% hike, it can never outweigh the skills of the current professionals in the human resources fiel

Role of Google+ in Social Media Marketing

What is Google+ Google+ is a social media platform provided from to all the users. It is one of the growing social channel. Google has launched this social media in June 2011. The main features of this platform include posting updates,

How to install Joomla?

To install joomla following steps needed to follow: Download the Joomla installation package from the Once downloaded you will get a zip file. Unzip the file and upload the joomla files to your server. Next you need to create a mysql da

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