Hello reader's, today we disscuss about bloginfo and its parameter.
It displays information about your site, It can be used anywhere within a template file.
<!--?php bloginfo('name'); //Displays the "Site Title ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('description'); //Displays the "Tagline" ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('wpurl'); //Displays the "WordPress address (URL) ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('url'); //Displays the "Site address (URL) ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('admin_email'); //Displays the "E-mail address" ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('charset'); //Displays the "Encoding for pages and feeds" ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('version'); //Displays the WordPress Version you use. ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('html_type'); // Displays the Content-Type of WordPress HTML pages ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('text_direction'); //Displays the Text Direction of WordPress HTML pages. ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('language'); //Displays the language of WordPress. ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); //Displays the primary CSS (usually style.css) ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('template_url'); //Displays the stylesheet directory URL of the active theme. ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('siteurl'); //'template_directory' - URL of the active theme's directory ?-->
<!--?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); //Displays the Pingback XML-RPC file URL (xmlrpc.php). ?-->
Example :-
admin_email = admin@example.com
atom_url = http://www.example.com/home/feed/atom
charset = UTF-8
comments_atom_url = http://www.example.com/home/comments/feed/atom
comments_rss2_url = http://www.example.com/home/comments/feed
description = Just another WordPress blog
home = http://www.example.com/home (DEPRECATED! use url option instead)
html_type = text/html
language = en-US
name = Testpilot
pingback_url = http://www.example.com/home/wp/xmlrpc.php
rdf_url = http://www.example.com/home/feed/rdf
rss2_url = http://www.example.com/home/feed
rss_url = http://www.example.com/home/feed/rss
siteurl = http://www.example.com/home (DEPRECATED! use url option instead)
stylesheet_directory = http://www.example.com/home/wp/wp-content/themes/largo
stylesheet_url = http://www.example.com/home/wp/wp-content/themes/largo/style.css
template_directory = http://www.example.com/home/wp/wp-content/themes/largo
template_url = http://www.example.com/home/wp/wp-content/themes/largo
text_direction = ltr
url = http://www.example.com/home
version = 3.5
wpurl = http://www.example.com/home/wp
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