Virtual function is a member function in base class, which is redefined in the derived class.
Virtual function is declared by using the keyword virtual.
Syntax of virtual function:
class main_Class // denotes the base class of virtual function
virtual void pure_virtual() = 0; // denotes a pure virtual function in c++
// note that there is no function body
By using declaresdisplay() in parent class, we can generate the appearance of that function but it can't be called.
For making the function virtual , we have to add the virtual keyword before the function.
Virtual function resolves at run-time(dynamic binding).
E.g of virtual function:-
class Base
virtual void show()
cout << "Base class";
class Derived:public Base
void show()
cout << "Derived Class";
int main()
Base* a; //Base class pointer
Derived b; //Derived class object
a = &b;
a->show(); //Late Binding Ocuurs
In above code the dynamic binding will occur because virtual keyword is used before the base class, so derived version of function will be called. So the output will be:
E.g without using the virtual keyword:-
class Base
void show()
cout << "Base class";
class Derived:public Base
void show()
cout << "Derived Class";
int main()
Base* a; //Base class pointer
Derived b; //Derived class object
a = &b;
a->show(); //Early Binding Ocuurs
When using the base class pointer, it will always call the base version of the function.
so output will be:
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