Everyone who writes online is in the pursuit of the Holy Grail- writing a viral content that gets shared by many and becomes the talk of the Internet. But it’ s easier said than done. When you are a writer, especially if academic writing is your niche, you will have a much more difficult time creating a viral content than those who post videos. Let’ s face it, we live in a visual world, so you should strive for getting an above average number of shares in your niche. How to achieve it?
Some people decide to hire writers, hoping that their expertise will bring them value. But, hiring a writer from the available paper writing service in the market still does not guarantee success. You will have to make sure that they know exactly what it takes to write a viral content. Think of it as a recipe: you should include all the necessary ingredients.
Write Killer Content
You have heard that ” content is king ”, meaning that you want it to be authentic and high- quality. If your content is average, you could be a marketing wizard, but that is not likely to be of any help. Forget about recycling a topic which can already be found on the Internet. Or if you do it, try to offer a different angle. Those who write papers for money know well that they need to use a number of writing hooks. They spice up their writings with an anecdote or create suspense to grab their readers’ attention.
Choose to write a content that will teach your reader something, whether it be ” how to do something” type of content, or something inspirational about overcoming obstacles in life.
Write Attention Grabbing Headline
People have short attention spans nowadays, so your headline can “ make it or break it”. You want to turn your average Internet surfer, often clicking aimlessly through the web, into a reader. No matter how great your content is, if you do not come up with a headline that will convince those who read it to stay with you, they will just move on to greener pastures. Do not hesitate to exaggerate with adjectives, because readers love it, or use a list: “ 10 Techniques to Help you Nail Your Job Interview”. Do your best to convince your readers that what you wrote will be useful to them: “ You surely did not know this”. Here, it would be useful to get some writing help and advice from those with more experience in creating powerful headlines.
Appeal to Your Readers’ Emotions
One research study has shown that content that manages to appeal to emotions ( either in a positive or a negative way ) is far more likely to go viral. People like to read a type of content that inspires them to make a change or offers an example of kindness towards other human beings, heroism in adversity, self- sacrifice.
Keep it Short and Simple
People often feel intimidated when faced with a large block of text to read. Divide your text into small chunks and get to the point quickly. Avoid verbosity, because it is a deal breaker. Your readers want to get to your knowledge nuggets without having to blaze a trail through the woods of complicated words.
If you have a habit of buying research papers, you will learn that when attempting to write a viral content, you will need a new set of skills. Emotion, brevity and ability to engage your readers is a must here, while academic knowledge is not required.
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