Retouching Tools
Retouching tools are used to repair images,replicate pixels or restore a portion of an image. There are a number of retouching tools.
- Clone Stamp
- Pattern Stamp
- Spot Healing
- Patch Tool
- Red Eye
- Dodge
- Burn
- Smudge
& more..
In the lines written below you'll come to know about the clone stamp tool.
The Clone stamp tool paints an area of an image over the other area of either same or the other image. It is used to duplicate objects & textures of an image or removing the defects of an image.

This option is used to select the cloning layer over the target layer(located at the top of the screen). You can select the sample from ALL LAYERS,CURRENT LAYERS or
BELOW layers
You select the sample area by pressing the ALT key and then drag it through the target layer to replicate or restore that specific portion.
2) ALIGNED: this options lets you clone the target layer eve if the mouse is released.

3) OPACITY : Sets the opacity of the sample layer
4) BRUSH : You can set your brush options, Brush size and shape, opacity, flow and blending modes can all be selected.

This palette helps to display an overlay of sample source, it can restore five clone source samples. Selecting any of these allows us to clone the sources at a particular location.
You can specify the,
a. X and Y pixel values for the source while painting in an specific location.
b. Width and height of the source.
c. Rotate the sample source.
The clone stamp tool is a very useful retouching tool to make quick replicating heals in an image.

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