The normal male testosterone level ranges from 300 to 1,000 ng/dL; if the level of your testosterone is below the normal, your physician may recommend one of the popular types of testosterone therapy – testosterone injection or testosterone gel, but the most suggested testosterone replacement therapy is in form of injection.
What is testosterone injection?
Testosterone injection is a testosterone replacement therapy that is used to treat conditions on men and boys that are related to low levels of testosterone. Specifically, testosterone injection is a recommended therapy on:
- Boys experiencing growth and puberty
- Men who are suffering from known medical conditions, which causes low production of testosterone.
- Genetic disorders
- Problems with hypothalamus and pituitary gland
- Men who are currently undergoing or have undergone chemotherapy.
However, these types of treatment aren’t for every man to be used, unless as prescribed or approved by the healthcare experts; especially, wrong purchase and use of testosterone online can cause irreversible health problems.
Yes; you can buy testosterone online; however, it should be bought from a reliable and known resource – just like from Elite HRT.
Can you administer the treatment by yourself?
Technically, testosterone injections are often administered by a licensed doctor, which is at the gluteus muscles, and that is in the buttocks. However, there are situations that these physicians would allow ‘self-administration’ of testosterone injection at the patient’s thigh muscle; try to get more details about testosterone injection to understand more about the treatment.
But is the treatment right for you?
The low level of testosterone is a naturally occurring health problem for men who have reached 30 years old and above. However, if a man is experiencing a rapid decline of testosterone level, he is suffering from Low T, which can pose a serious problem on men’s overall health.
Low T is often characterized by the following symptoms:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Low sex drive
- A notable decrease in sperm count
- Anxiety and depression
- Unexplained weight gain
- Experiencing hot flashes
If you are experiencing the aforementioned symptoms of Low T, the testosterone replacement injection can be a good treatment for you; as an example, the Elite HRT’s testosterone injection. However, just a simple reminder, before purchasing the treatment online, you have to consult your physician first. Remember, wrong administration and inappropriate use of the treatment can lead to a serious and irreversible health problem, which includes the following:
- Enlarge breast
- Small testicles
- Infertility
- High blood pressure
- Heart attack
- Liver problem
- Stroke
- Mental health problem
- Addiction
Also, before anything else, to make sure that you are suffering from low levels of testosterone and find out if the testosterone injection is the right treatment for you, you need to undergo testosterone level check.
Final Thoughts
Testosterone injection is safe to use as a testosterone replacement therapy; however, the treatment should be administered with the knowledge to avoid health problems. If you are planning to purchase testosterone injection online, you still need to consult your physician if it is the right therapy for you.
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