<title>My Home Page</title><br>
<h1>This is a heading</h1><br>
<p>Document description goes here.....</p><br>
HTML files have a basic structure that you MUST work within.
HTML files are text files which contain the code of a web page.HTML is
a format that tells a computer how to display a web page.
The documents themselves are plain text files with special "tags" or
codes that a web browser uses to interpret and display information on
your computer screen.
The text/bracket combinations are called tags.
Note they come in pairs. There is always a beginning tag () and
an end tag ().
The beginning tag signals Netscape / Internet Explorer that a new
tag/task is starting. The end tag tells Netscape / Internet Explorer
that the tag/task has ended.
Save the above file to the desk top of your computer as: home.html.
Make sure to add the extension ".html" to the end of the file.
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