Sort the values of an Object array alphabetically in php and arrange them into sections of alphabets according to the first letter of their name.
/* Code to sort the data elements in alphabetic order .
The following snippet will sort the array alphabetically in ascending order, starting from 'a' to 'z' . */
function compareByName($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a->name, $b->name);
usort($cityPages->data, 'compareByName'); // $cityPages->data are the array which we want to sort.
/* Code to arrange the sorted data elements into their respective sections with the first letter of their names.
$previousalphabet = null; // initialize the alphabets for to compare with next alphabets for the start.
$initial_counter = 1;
foreach($cityPages->data as $value) {
$firstalphabet = substr($value->name, 0, 1); // extract the first alphabet of the word.
if($previousalphabet !== $firstalphabet) { // compare the first alphabet with the previous alphabet.
if($initial_counter!=1){ echo '</ul></li>'; } ?> // if its not the first case then print the result in list tag.
<li class="<?php echo strtolower($firstalphabet); ?> item masonry-brick">
<h3><?php echo $firstalphabet; ?></h3> // print the first alphabet whose section is going to start like A,B,C,D etc.
<?php echo '<ul>'; //start the <ul> to print the results under above alphabet section.
$previousalphabet = $firstalphabet; // replace the previous alphabet with the current one.
echo '<li>'echo $value->name; // print the value inside <li> under the individual alphabet.
$initial_counter++; // increase the counter
The output of the above code will be like :
Output format :
atlanta Bosten China Denmark
anapolis Berlin Charlotte Detroit
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