A very nice system is use for logging in android, usually called a centralized system.
Developer can filter log statements by using android tools.
We can create log statements by using android.util.Log class. Log class have so many methods like
Log.v(),Log.e(), Log.d(), Log.w() , Log.i() or Log.wtf()
They all have two parameters : One is the category of the log and other is the message.
Typically we create an Interface having your log category.
public interface MyConstants {
String LOG_TAG = com.package.myapplication;
To show log we use it like this.
Log.e(MyConstants.LOG_TAG, Its a log. Got it successfully....);
We make a condition of BuildConfig because the deployed app should not contain any logs to show.
Android provide BuildConfig.DEBUG for this purpose. BuildConfig.DEBUG returns false if we export our app for deployement.
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