In this tutorial we will learn about installing vim text editor in Ubuntu. This article is about how to install vim editor in Ubuntu? VIM is clone to vi editor but vim text editor is cross platforms software.
VIM is a text editor and widely used across the globe for wrting, editing, source code for different programming languages. We can use VIM from command line interface as well as standalone application in GUI.
It is an updated version of the vi editor VIM is also a “modal” editor like vi.
In Modal editors it can be operated in different modes.
VIM has following modes to operate:
1 Normal
2 Visual
3 Insert
4 select
5 Command-line
6 Ex-mode
Normal: VIM starts in this mode and used for manipulation and navigation of text.
Visual: It is used for manipulation and navigation for the selected text.
Insert: It is used for inserting new text such as {<a> (append text after cursor),
<i> (insert text before cursor), <A> (append text at end of line), <I> (insert text at beginning of line), <C> (change to end of line), and <s> (substitute characters).}
Select: It is similar to visual mode, but in this mode there are more MS Windows-like behavior.
Command-line: This mode is used for entering editor commands for example the help commands such as: {help Command-line-mode, :help Select-mode, :help Visual-mode etc,:set number}.
Ex-mode: This mode is same as the command-line mode but it is more optimized for batch processing.
Below are the steps for installing VIM Editor in Ubuntu
Step 1: Press Ctrl+Alt+t to open the terminal. Now run the below command on terminal.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vim
Step 2: Now the terminal confirms for installation, and asks y/n
type y to confirm.
Step 3: After typing "y", the server will perform its operations
Step 4: Now, open VIM editor and just type “vim” command from here we can start editing on this editor.
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