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  • How to fix TypeError in Python: Object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

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    I'm currently trying to build an Agent for Starcraft 2 using the Pysc2 API, I'm getting by quite well however I've run into an issue that I can't seem to fix, if anyone has any idea it'd be much appreciated.


    import random
    import os
    import buildings
    import units
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import identifiers as ids
    from random import randint
    from pysc2.agents import base_agent
    from pysc2.lib import actions
    UNITS = { u for u in units.units()}
    BUILDINGS = { b for b in buildings.buildings()}
    _NOT_QUEUED = [0]
    _QUEUED = [1]
    _SELECT_ALL = [2]
    DATA_FILE = 'sparse_agent_data'
    ACTION_DO_NOTHING = 'donothing'
    ACTION_ATTACK = 'attack'
    smart_actions = [ACTION_DO_NOTHING] + list(UNITS) + list(BUILDINGS)
    #for mm_x in range(0, 64):
    #    for mm_y in range(0, 64):
    #        if (mm_x + 1) % 32 == 0 and (mm_y + 1) % 32 == 0:
    #            smart_actions.append(ACTION_ATTACK + '_' + str(mm_x - 16) + '_' + str(mm_y - 16))
    # Stolen from
    class QLearningTable:
        def __init__(self, actions, learning_rate=0.01, reward_decay=0.9, e_greedy=0.9):
            self.actions = actions  # a list
   = learning_rate
            self.gamma = reward_decay
            self.epsilon = e_greedy
            self.q_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.actions, dtype=np.float64)
            self.disallowed_actions = {}
        def choose_action(self, observation, excluded_actions=[]):
            self.disallowed_actions[observation] = excluded_actions
            if np.random.uniform() < self.epsilon:
                # choose best action
                state_action = self.q_table.ix[observation, :]
                for excluded_action in excluded_actions:
                    del state_action[excluded_action]
                # some actions have the same value
                state_action = state_action.reindex(
                action = state_action.idxmax()
                # choose random action
                action = np.random.choice(self.actions)
            return action
        def learn(self, s, a, r, s_):
            if s == s_:
            q_predict = self.q_table.ix[s, a]
            s_rewards = self.q_table.ix[s_, :]
            if s_ in self.disallowed_actions:
                for excluded_action in self.disallowed_actions[s_]:
                    del s_rewards[excluded_action]
            if s_ != 'terminal':
                q_target = r + self.gamma * s_rewards.max()
                q_target = r  # next state is terminal
            # update
            self.q_table.ix[s, a] += * (q_target - q_predict)
        def check_state_exist(self, state):
            if state not in self.q_table.index:
                # append new state to q table
                self.q_table = self.q_table.append(pd.Series([0] * len(self.actions), index=self.q_table.columns, name=state))
    class SparseAgent(base_agent.BaseAgent):
        def __init__(self):
            super(SparseAgent, self).__init__()
            self.qlearn = QLearningTable(actions=list(range(len(smart_actions))))
            self.previous_action = None
            self.previous_state = None
            self.previous_num_starports = 0
            self.previous_num_factory = 0
            self.cc_y = None
            self.cc_x = None
            self.move_number = 0
            self.disallowed_actions = {}
            if os.path.isfile(DATA_FILE + '.gz'):
                self.qlearn.q_table = pd.read_pickle(
                    DATA_FILE + '.gz', compression='gzip')
        def select_workers(self, obs):
            unit_type = obs.observation['screen'][ids.UNIT_TYPE]
            unit_y, unit_x = (unit_type == ids.TERRAN_SCV).nonzero()
            if unit_y.any():
                i = random.randint(0, len(unit_y) - 1)
                target = [unit_x[i], unit_y[i]]
                return actions.FunctionCall(ids.SELECT_POINT, [_NOT_QUEUED, target])
        def unit_attack(self, x, y, obs):
            if self.move_number == 0:
                if ids.SELECT_ARMY in obs.observation['available_actions']:
                    return actions.FunctionCall(ids.SELECT_ARMY, [_NOT_QUEUED])
            elif self.move_number == 1:
                do_it = True
                if ((len(obs.observation['single_select']) > 0 and obs.observation['single_select'][0][0] == ids.TERRAN_SCV)
                   or (len(obs.observation['multi_select']) > 0 and obs.observation['multi_select'][0][0] == ids.TERRAN_SCV)):
                    do_it = False
                if do_it and ids.ATTACK_MINIMAP in obs.observation["available_actions"]:
                    x_offset = random.randint(-1, 1)
                    y_offset = random.randint(-1, 1)
                    return actions.FunctionCall(ids.ATTACK_MINIMAP, [_NOT_QUEUED, self.transformLocation(int(x) + (x_offset * 8), int(y) + (y_offset * 8))])
        def train_unit(self, unit, obs):
            if self.move_number == 0:
                target = buildings.get_location_from_id(unit.builds_from, obs)
                if target is not None:
                    return actions.FunctionCall(ids.SELECT_POINT, [_SELECT_ALL, target])
            if self.move_number == 1:
                if unit.train in obs.observation['available_actions']:
                    return actions.FunctionCall(unit.train, [_QUEUED])
        # assumes a worker is selected
        def return_worker_to_harvest(self, obs):
            r = randint(0, 99)
            target = buildings.get_location_from_id(ids.NEUTRAL_VESPENE_GAS, obs) if r < 20 else \
                buildings.get_location_from_id(ids.NEUTRAL_MINERAL_FIELD, obs)
            return actions.FunctionCall(ids.HARVEST_GATHER, [_QUEUED, target])
        def build(self, building, obs):
            if self.move_number == 0:
                return self.select_workers(obs)
            elif self.move_number == 1:
                if building.amount_of_building(obs) < building.max_amount and in obs.observation['available_actions']:
                    return actions.FunctionCall(, [_NOT_QUEUED, building.get_location(self, obs)])
            elif self.move_number == 2:
                if ids.HARVEST_GATHER in obs.observation['available_actions'] and is not ids.BUILD_REFINERY:
                    return self.return_worker_to_harvest(obs)
        def get_location(_id, obs):
            unit_type = obs.observation['screen'][ids.UNIT_TYPE]
            unit_y, unit_x = (unit_type == _id).nonzero()
            if unit_y.any():
                i = random.randint(0, len(unit_y) - 1)
                m_x = unit_x[i]
                m_y = unit_y[i]
                return [m_x, m_y]
        def transformDistance(self, x, x_distance, y, y_distance):
            if not self.base_top_left:
                return [x - x_distance, y - y_distance]
            return [x + x_distance, y + y_distance]
        def transformLocation(self, x, y):
            if not self.base_top_left:
                return [64 - x, 64 - y]
            return [x, y]
        def splitAction(self, action_id):
            smart_action = smart_actions[action_id]
            y = x = 0
            if '_' in smart_action:
                smart_action, x, y = smart_action.split('_')
            return (smart_action, x, y)
        def award_step_reward(self, current_state, obs):
            reward = 0
            num_starports = BUILDINGS["Starport"].amount_of_building(obs)
            num_starports =  self.amount_of_building(_TERRAN_STARPORT, obs)
            if num_starports > self.previous_num_starports:
                print("GOOD JOB on the starport")
                reward += 100
            self.previous_num_starports = num_starports
            num_factory =  self.amount_of_building(_TERRAN_FACTORY, obs)
            if num_factory > self.previous_num_factory:
                print("GOOD JOB on the factory")
                reward += 50
            self.previous_num_factory = num_factory
            self.previous_num_starports = num_starports
            self.qlearn.learn(str(self.previous_state),self.previous_action, reward, str(current_state))
        def award_end_game_reward(self, obs):
            #reward = obs.reward
            reward = 0
            reward += 10*self.previous_state[2]
            reward += 50*self.previous_state[3]
            reward += 250*self.previous_state[4]
            print("Total barracks: " + str(self.previous_state[2]))
            print("Total factory: " + str(self.previous_state[3]))
            print("Total starport: " + str(self.previous_state[4]))
            print("Total reward: " + str(reward))
            self.qlearn.learn(str(self.previous_state), self.previous_action, reward, 'terminal')
        def update_state(self, obs):
            unit_type = obs.observation['screen'][ids.UNIT_TYPE]
            cc_y, cc_x = (unit_type == ids.TERRAN_COMMAND_CENTER).nonzero()
            cc_count = 1 if cc_y.any() else 0
            supply_depot_count = BUILDINGS["Supply Depot"].amount_of_building(obs)
            refinery_count = BUILDINGS["Refinery"].amount_of_building(obs)
            barracks_count = BUILDINGS["Barracks"].amount_of_building(obs)
            factory_count = BUILDINGS["Factory"].amount_of_building(obs)
            starport_count = BUILDINGS["Starport"].amount_of_building(obs)
            current_state = np.zeros(6)
            current_state[0] = cc_count
            current_state[1] = supply_depot_count
            current_state[2] = barracks_count
            current_state[3] = factory_count
            current_state[4] = starport_count
            current_state[5] = refinery_count
            #current_state[5] = obs.observation['player'][_ARMY_SUPPLY]
            hot_squares = np.zeros(4)
            enemy_y, enemy_x = (
                obs.observation['minimap'][_PLAYER_RELATIVE] == _PLAYER_HOSTILE).nonzero()
            for i in range(0, len(enemy_y)):
                y = int(math.ceil((enemy_y[i] + 1) / 32))
                x = int(math.ceil((enemy_x[i] + 1) / 32))
                hot_squares[((y - 1) * 2) + (x - 1)] = 1
            if not self.base_top_left:
                hot_squares = hot_squares[::-1]
            for i in range(0, 4):
                current_state[i + 4] = hot_squares[i]
            return current_state
        def step(self, obs):
            super(SparseAgent, self).step(obs)
            if obs.last():
                self.qlearn.q_table.to_pickle(DATA_FILE + '.gz', 'gzip')
                self.previous_action = None
                self.previous_state = None
                self.move_number = 0
                return actions.FunctionCall(ids.NO_OP, [])
            unit_type = obs.observation['screen'][ids.UNIT_TYPE]
            if obs.first():
                player_y, player_x = (
                    obs.observation['minimap'][ids.PLAYER_RELATIVE] == ids.PLAYER_SELF).nonzero()
                self.base_top_left = 1 if player_y.any() and player_y.mean() <= 31 else 0
                self.cc_y, self.cc_x = (
                    unit_type == ids.TERRAN_COMMAND_CENTER).nonzero()
            if self.move_number == 0:
                current_state = self.update_state(obs)
                if self.previous_action is not None:
                    self.award_step_reward(current_state, obs)
                rl_action = self.qlearn.choose_action(str(current_state))
                self.previous_state = current_state
                self.previous_action = rl_action
            smart_action, x, y = self.splitAction(self.previous_action)
            if smart_action in UNITS:
                move = self.train_unit(UNITS[smart_action], obs)
            elif smart_action in BUILDINGS:
                move =[smart_action], obs)
            elif smart_action == ACTION_ATTACK:
                move = self.unit_attack(x, y, obs)
                move = actions.FunctionCall(ids.NO_OP, [])
            if move is None:
                move = actions.FunctionCall(ids.NO_OP, [])
            self.move_number = 0 if self.move_number == 3 else self.move_number + 1
            return move


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