This tutorial will help a user to create an http server in Node.js and run an applications at server side.
Follow the steps as below:
- Install Node.js
- Lets create a file test.js which we will place in the root directory of our application
To create an http server we will use a module of Node named server in our file test.js
// the builtin function require helps to use any module of Node.js
var testhttp = require("http");
// In the below line createServer is a function in http module of Node.js
var server = testhttp.createServer(on_Request);
function on_Request(request, response) {
// In the below line writeHead is a function of response object
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
// In the below line write is a function of response object
response.write("Yes my testhttp server is working..");
//end function of response object ends the response
// listen is a function of the object that is returned by the function createServer
// the listen function needs one paramater that represent the port number on which the testhttp server //will listen the reqeusts.
3-Now go to the terminal and execute the following command
user@username:~$ cd /var/www/html/project_root_directory
user@username:/var/www/html/project_root_directory$ nodejs test.js
4- Now open a browser and write the following url:
output on the browser: Yes my testhttp server is working..
output on the terminal: testhttp server has started
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