In this tutorial we"ll learn how to make a real lips on illustrator.
Step 1: Open up a new document with any size.
Step 2: First we need to draw the shape of lips using pen tool.
Step 3: Now select the upper part of lips. Goto object > Create gradient mesh an click on it, set the values of rows and column.
Step 4: Now take a direct selection tool and select the individual node and fill the color manually.

Step 5: Select the lower part of lips and do the same process in that.

Step 6: Now time to make a teeth so make a shape of teeth and create gradient mesh.

Step 7: By using direct selection tool fill the color inside the teeth.
Step 8: Select the teeth and place the behind of the lips, So click right mouse button and goto arrange > send to back.
Here we create the real lips.

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