How to create our own module in Node.js so that we can use the functionality of the module
in our code where we need it, instead of writing the same logic. Here we will use the test.js
file as a module in our index.js file. Suppose on hitting the url: http://localhost:8831/index.js
we want to create an http server.
1- Now we will create a test.js file with the following code.
var testhttp = require("http");
// In the below line createServer is a function in http module of Node
function execute(){
function on_Request(request, response) {
// In the below line writeHead is a function of response object
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
// In the below line write is a function of response object
response.write("Yes my testhttp server is working..");
//end function of response object ends the response
var server = testhttp.createServer(on_Request);
exports.obj = execute;
2- Now we will create an index.js file where we have start our testhttp server. Write the below
code in the index.js file
var testhttp_obj = require(./test);
3- Now go to the terminal and execute the following command
user@username:~$ cd /var/www/html/project_root_directory
user@username:/var/www/html/project_root_directory$ nodejs index.js
4- Now open a browser and write the following url:
output on the browser: Yes my module test.js is working..
output on the terminal: testhttp server has started
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