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  • How To Add Store View Selection In Magento Admin Grid?

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    Hello Readers,  
    In this tutorial, I will explain how to add Store View selection to Module’s Adminhtml
    This article assumes you already know how to create Magento Admin grid.

    Go to Namespace/Module/Block/Adminhtml/Module/Edit/Tab/Form.php
    Add below code in _prepareForm() function.

       if (!Mage::app()->isSingleStoreMode()) {
                $fieldset->addField('stores', 'multiselect', array(
                        'name'      => 'stores[]',
                        'label'     => Mage::helper('slideshow')->__('Select Store'),
                        'title'     => Mage::helper('slideshow')->__('Select Store'),
                        'required'  => true,
                        'values'    => Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/system_store')->getStoreValuesForForm(true, true),
                else {
                    $fieldset->addField('stores', 'hidden', array(
                        'name'      => 'stores[]',
                        'value'     => Mage::app()->getStore(true)->getId()

    Above Code show store view multiselect option to your form. This will work, if you have multiple stores in you setup.

    Next, Go to Namespace/Module/Adminhtml/IndexController.php
    Add below code in saveAction() function.

                            $postData['stores'] = '0';
                            $postData['stores'] = implode(",", $postData['stores']);
                    if($postData['stores'] == "")
                        $postData['stores'] = '0';

    The above code will set stores to 0 if “All Store Views” was selected or sets stores as comma-seperated values using implode function.

    Next, In your Custom modules Grid file (Path: Namespace/Module/Block/Adminhtml/Module/Grid.php).
    Add the following code.

        protected function _prepareCollection()
                $collection = Mage::getModel('slideshow/slideshow')->getCollection();
             // echo '<pre>'; print_r($collection->getData()); die;
                    foreach($collection as $link){
                    if($link->getStores() && $link->getStores() != 0 ){
            return parent::_prepareCollection();

    setStores(array('0')). Here '0' represents All Store Views.

    In the same class file (i.e Grid.php), add the following code in prepareColumns() function

    if (!Mage::app()->isSingleStoreMode()) {
        $this->addColumn('stores', array(
            'header'        => Mage::helper('')->__('Store View'),
            'index'         => 'stores',
            'type'          => 'store',
            'store_all'     => true,
            'store_view'    => true,
            'sortable'      => true,
            'filter_condition_callback' => array($this,

    & add the following function in Grid.php:

    protected function _filterStoreCondition($collection, $column){
        if (!$value = $column->getFilter()->getValue()) {

    _filterStoreCondition($collection, $column): This function checks store filter has been selected or not and if so , then it will call add the filter function to the collection.

    Lastly, Go to Collection file (Path: Namespace_Module_Model_Mysql4_Module_Collection) & add this function in collection.php

    public function addStoreFilter($store, $withAdmin = true){
        if ($store instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Store) {
            $store = array($store->getId());
        if (!is_array($store)) {
            $store = array($store);
        $this->addFilter('stores', array('in' => $store));
        return $this;

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