Gray Out an Image in android
In android, Sometimes, we have to gray out image to show it disable or to show it differently.
So I share my code to gray out any ImageView.
We just do it by using pixels.
private ImageView instagramIcon;
instagramIcon =(ImageView)rootView.findViewById(;
public static Bitmap grayOutImage(Bitmap src) {
// constant factors
final double G_RED = 0.299;
final double G_GREEN = 0.587;
final double G_BLUE = 0.114;
// create output bitmap
Bitmap bmOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(src.getWidth(), src.getHeight(), src.getConfig());
// pixel information
int A, R, G, B;
int pixel;
// get image size
int width = src.getWidth();
int height = src.getHeight();
// scan through every single pixel
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
// get one pixel color
pixel = src.getPixel(x, y);
// retrieve color of all channels
A = Color.alpha(pixel);
R =;
G =;
B =;
// take conversion up to one single value
R = G = B = (int)(G_RED * R + G_GREEN * G + G_BLUE * B);
// set new pixel color to output bitmap
bmOut.setPixel(x, y, Color.argb(A, R, G, B));
// return final image
return bmOut;
and apply this like
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