Different situations between play mode and Built game
over 9 years ago
over 8 years ago
Put your rotation in Fixed Update as manish said. Or better, in Update function multiply by Time.deltaTime. This is how I imagine your code should look:
public float speed; void Update () { Vector3 camRot = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; camRot.y+= speed * Time.deltaTime. this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(camRot); }
For smooth things Update is better then FixedUpdate.
over 9 years ago
May be this problem is occurring due to difference in frame rate . If you are testing the build in different device then there may be a case of one device running more frames per second then the other , so to avoid it use void FixedUpdate() function instead of void Update() function .
Hope this helps .
2 Answer(s)