Hello reader's today i will discuss about "event.preventDefault()' vs. 'return false"
First, Divs are set to turn red on click, links are set to hide.
The top div contains the link which runs with e.preventDefault() which means
the link will continue the event flow rather then navigating away,
In the bottom div, the link runs return false. This means that the link will stop the event flow going to the div by hiding the link, hence the div will not receive that click event.
You can see the below example
Here is the HTML
<div id="prevDef" class="parent">
Text Here...
<a href="#">Click me!</a>
I'm a div, with a link. <a href="#">I'm that link</a>
<div id="retFalse" class="parent">
Text Here...
<a href="#">Click me!</a>
I'm a div, with a link. <a href="#">I'm that link</a>
Here is the Css
border:1px solid #000;
Here is the Code
//With 'event.preventDefault();'
$("#prevDef div").click(function() {
"color": "#f00"
$("#prevDef a").click(function(event) {
//With 'return false;'
$("#retFalse div").click(function() {
"color": "#f00"
$("#retFalse a").click(function(e) {
return false;
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