What Does Mounting Drive Means
Mounting Drive means making the drive accessible to the computer, by which the user will be able to read and write the data to the disk on which he/she mounted that particular drive.
What is AWS Instance
AWS instance is a virtual server in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud which is used for running various applications on the AWS platform. Amazon EC2 instance has a huge collection of instance types that are optimised to fulfil different scenarios. The AWS instance types include numnerous combinations of CPU, storage, memory and other network capacity which give the best in class solutions for your applications as per your requirement.
In this small blog, I will provide you a very important information and that is "How to Make Your Mounted Drive to Automatically Mount or Reconnect Back After Instance Restart in AWS". let's see how:

If you are using a mounted drive in your AWS instance and you restart the instance, then mounted drive will automatically unmounted and your site will stop working. For this you have to mount it again manually from your aws console. i.e.:
sudo mount drive_1 drive_2
How to Avoid Manual Mounting Drive to AWS
You can avoid this problem by mounting drive automatically from fstab file. So whenever you will restart your instance drive will be automatically mounted. For this you have to edit "/etc/fstab" file using:
sudo nano /etc/fstab
and add following line into this file:
drive_1 drive2 ext3 defaults 1 1
Now whenever your instance will be restarted then your drive will be automatically mounted.
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