BeanFactory VS ApplicationContext:- The Both BeanFactory and ApplicationContext can initialize the Spring IOC Container. They Both are Java Interfaces and ApplicationContext can extends the BeanFactory. BeanFactory Inteface can only provide basic IOC and DI features but the ApplicationContext Interface is provide both basic IOC and DI features and also can have advanced Enterprise features.
BeanFactory doesn't support the
internationalization(I18N) but
ApplicationContext can support.
BeanFactory doesn't support the
annotation based DI. Like
@autowired,@postConstruct but
ApplicationContext can do that.
BeanFactory can initialize the bean
lazy loading whereas, ApplicationContext
can initialize bean quickly.
ApplicationContext can supprort
Enterprise feature like JNDI,EJB
Integration and RMI(Remoting) but
BeanFactory not do these task.
Using ApplicationContext we can
specify more than one Config(.xml)
file but In BeanFactory we can
specify only one config file.
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