about 11 years ago
Here is a simple way to validate user name and password in an HTML form using java script.
<html> <head> <title> Login page </title> </head> <body> <h1 style="font-family:Arial;text-align="center";font-size:20pt; color:#00FF00;">A Very Simple & Easy Javascript Form Validation </h1> <form name="login"> Username<input type="text" name="userid"/> Password<input type="password" name="pswrd"/> <input type="button" onclick="check(this.form)" value="Login"/> <input type="reset" value="Cancel"/> </form> <script language="javascript"> function check(form)/*function to check userid & password*/ { /*the following code checkes whether the entered userid and password are matching*/ if(form.userid.value == "userid" && form.pswrd.value == "password") { window.open('target.html')/*opens the target page while Id & password matches*/ } else { alert("Error Password or Username")/*displays error message*/ } } </script> </body> </html>
Starting with Chrome version 45, NPAPI is no longer supported for Google Chrome. For more information, see Chrome and NPAPI (blog.chromium.org).
Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer are recommended browsers for websites using java applets.
Chrome Version Support
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