Effective web content has many rules to follow and new bloggers and content writers always make a huge number of mistakes. However, they might avoid those mistakes if they listen to our advice. We have analyzed what features good web content should have and now we are ready to share this information with you! If you are interested in making your content better, get acquainted with this info!
Why content writing is different
Writing a novel, writing a blog post, and writing an essay are different tasks. Of course, there are some common things, for example, the process, but the approach to it is absolutely different. Writing a novel, you do not actually think about your readers, you write what you think is right. You develop characters and plot and you expect that your readers will love them. When you write an essay, you always think about your grades first, that’s why you do everything possible to satisfy the desires of a commission board or a teacher who will read your essay. When you write a blog post, you have a different approach. You need to write for your audience but at the same time, you need to stick to your niche and write things that are interesting for you.
Web content writing also has other aspects that you need to keep in mind in order to write an effective post.
1. Remember about SEO
Someone tells that SEO is dead, but in reality, SEO remains one of the most important things that allow you to stay atop Google search positions. That’s why you need to work on your SEO. If we are talking about content, you should always remember about keywords that should be included in your post. These keywords will help you get more organic traffic which is actually the best way to attract the attention of the readers.
2. Do not overuse the keywords
SEO is good, but if you make your post unreadable with a huge number of keywords, you just lose your readers and your Google ranking. It will be enough to include keywords in the title, description, header of your post, and to add them a couple of times to the text itself. Also, make sure that you use the keywords naturally in the text.
3. Keep attention of your readers
Your readers should be interested in what you write. That’s why you should always write texts that attract the attention of the readers. First, you need to write interesting content and insert links to other posts on your blog so the readers start to surf your website and read more.
4. Write in a simple language
Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, but this mainly depends on the niche. For example, if you write about science for scientists, you should not write in simple words. But if you write about travels or food and use complicated language, your target audience may not understand you.
5. Add pictures
There is a common rule for all posts that states that people do not like to read plain text. That’s why you need to add pictures to your post. Of course, the pictures should be related to your topic. For example, if you are writing about your experience in preparing some dish, add a couple of photos to show your readers the process of preparation or the result. Besides, even if a person does not want to read a post, they may always check only the pictures, still staying on your website.
6. Add videos
The latest research states that a person would rather watch a video than read a post. If you are not sure that people will stay on your page because you have written an interesting content, just add a video! The main rule here is to insert a video on your page, not to add a link as a person will click a link and go to another website.
7. Write catchy headings
If you want to attract the attention of your readers, you need to use the power of headlines. A headline may change everything and turn even the most boring article into the most frequently visited page of your website.
8. Stick to the idea of your post
We have already talked about the power of headings, and now we need to turn your attention to the fact that the text of your post should always correspond to the title, otherwise your readers will be disappointed. Besides, you need to make your post answer the questions that you ask in the title, so do everything possible to make it work.
9. Check the post for mistakes
Web content should be flawless. If you know that you have some problems with grammar or you are not sure that you have written everything correctly, you may need some help. For example, you may use proofreading online tools that will help you check the quality of your post. We would recommend using such tools even for those who think that their writing skill is perfect to avoid stupid mistakes and misprints.
10. Add your insights and share your experience
There are tons of information on the Internet, so you need to make your post valuable for your readers. The best way to do that is to share your own experience and add insights. For example, if you write about food, you may include such content as tips and hacks how to prepare some dish or how to replace some rare ingredients with more common ones. To be able to use your experience properly, you need to understand the needs of your readers.
Creating content for web, you should remember different factors: the ranking of your website, your audience, the profit that you want to get from your content, and of course, your goals. However, no matter what goals you have, always follow these top 10 writing rules, and your web content will be attractive both to your regular readers and new visitors of your website.
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