How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi
how to measure for whole head in opencv on android
I need assistance in measuring the circumferene of a human head. And also the diagonal distance between two points depicted by the beads on the head.I just want a starting point to build an application on an ...
How to Resolve "Camera Can't Connect" Error in Android
I am having an android mobile Canvas Turbo A250 model, 16 GB ROM, 2 GB RAM. When I'm trying to use its camera, then the application is not running and two error messages are displaying one after another "Gallery Has...
Android - document edge detection via camera
Hello guys, i am trying to develop one p.o.c with functionality like office lens, when i focus camera on document it should auto adjust(focus, mode) , detect document edge, draw border rectangle(real time) in Android .
Have tried OpenCv but no...
Uploading captured image into the specific folder server using volley library
This is one of the famous question which is unanswered clearly. I have posted it on stackoverflow link as follow:
I wa...
Payment page in my app
Hi I am designing an android page which consists of payment gateway. I would like to implement payment in 2 ways.. Either by manually enter the card details or just scan the card with the help Of camera.. How would I do this if I scan ca...