Find out a particular column throughout the database in Postgresql
Previously got a situation where I needed to get t
by Nitika.Verma
Find out a particular column throughout the database in Postgresql
Previously got a situation where I needed to get the list of all the tables where a particular column lets say partner_id exists, might be useful for you too.
Just run the following query in PostgreSQL:
SELECT * FROM information_schema.col...
How to use Transaction and Try Catch in Stored Procedure
How to use Transaction and Try Catch in Stored Procedure
Suppose you are working on multiple table in a database eg updating, deleting and inserting on multiple table then it is always a good practice to maintain Transaction property as using ...
How to work on Stored Procedure in SQL
Store Procedure:-- These are set of SQL Statements which are grouped in such a way that they execute to do a certain task and make processing of our application fast.
Advantages:- They are stored in precompiled format and therefore are fast.
Sys Commands in SQL
Sys Commands :
1) How to count number of procedures in a table
USE [Database_Name]
SELECT COUNT(*) as procedures FROM sys.procedures
2) How to get the attributes of procedure in a table
USE [DatabaseName]
SELECT * FROM sys.procedure...
How to fetch Nth highest salary from a table.
There are two ways to fetch Nth highest salary/number.
1 - By using general sql query which works on all database.
2 - By using database specific sql query.
Database specific sql query example Nth highest salary/number
SQL Queries in ...
SQL - Generating XML 2
Every XML has two elements i.e.
1) Attributes and
2) Value
SELECT magazineId AS '@id'
, magazineName AS '@name'
, CoverPage AS '@coverPage'
, isActive AS '@status'
, publishDate AS '@publishDate'
, expiryDate A...
SQL SERVER - Generating XML - 1
Following is the XML which we want to create:
SELECT magazineId
, magazineName
, coverPage
, publishDate
, expiryDate
, isActive
Inserting data from one table to another
Inserting Data from one database table to different Database table.
we can insert or copy data from one database table to another table of different database in SQL Server 2008 using following query keeping one thing in mind that the datatype...