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Cordova Picture Background Plugin to Capture Image without User Interaction
Cordova is a mobile application development framework Owned by Adobe System, it was first created by Nitobi but in 2011 Adobe System acquires/purchases it. Earlier Crodova is known as PhoneGap. It is a free and open source version of Apache...
How to save image from url into device photo gallery
If you want to save image from url, you have to merge the following code to you js file
First of all, we have to add the following plug-in to read, write and navigate file system.
Write this in your code:
cordova plugin add org.apache.cord...
How to get Geolocation (Lattitude and Longitude) of a point in phonegap
If you want to track the location using phonegap App, you can simply checkout this steps.
1. After creating a project for example "test", you can add a plugin using terminal
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
After inst...