Download multiple files from media and document in Liferay 6.2
Hello Guys, Liferay store files using media and
by bhagwan.khichar -
Hiding "My Sites" Menu in Docbar in Liferay
You can hide the "My Sites" menu from Liferay Docb
by chandan.ahluwalia
How to deploy portlets to Liferay
Portlet is application of the liferay portal, In which we write the business logic of the application.
Follow below steps to create and deploy the liferay portal :
Step 1: Create liferay portlet in eclipse.
Step 2: Right click on portlet...
How to add custom portlet in Liferay Control Panel section
Hello Guys
Liferay allow to create custom portlet to write own business logic or controller code. Portlet is a small application of the liferay.
When we need to define rules on the custom portlet, So we need to add custom portlet in liferay...