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SVN Vs GIT: Which Version Control System Is Best For Your Software?
Version control systems are an integral part of software systems. They work to efficiently combine your many project files and the history of all code changes made during each project. This allows the ability to understand and edit your code over...
Create and remove the branch on GIT
Create and remove the GIT branch : Branching is the feature of GIT, which is needed when you want to add new functionality in your application without being changed to old version. So you need to create a branch which will be copy of your last ve...
error: Unable to append to .git/logs/refs/heads/dev: Permission denied fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'
Hello Friends,
When you are working with GIT sometimes face this kind of error "error: Unable to append to .git/logs/refs/heads/dev: Permission denied fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'.", while taking update from ...
Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref In GIT
Sometimes Many of us have encountered an error mentioned below:
fatal: Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref.
This Situation might occur for various reasons (file corrupt, file override, etc).
How, we resolve this ...
How to ignore specific files in git ?
Git is a version control system which keeps the track of changes made in the source code. There are many times, we do not want to upload the credentials file on git because those will be visible to all the stakeholders. Also, there are many files...
Edit most recent Commit Message
Committing is a way in GIT, that adds changes to the repository history and assigns a understandable commit name to it. If by mistake one added a wrong commit message and want to edit it, he can use the below command:
git commit --ame...
Undo Changes in git
Previous Git Blogs
1. Intialize git repostiory
2. First Commit
3. Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
4. Best basic practices for writing commit messages
5. Viewing the commit logs
6. Git Basic WorkFlow
7. What is HEA...
Git Diff and add commit in one shot
Previous Git Blogs
1. Intialize git repostiory
2. First Commit
3. Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
4. Best basic practices for writing commit messages
5. Viewing the commit logs
6. Git Basic WorkFlow
7. What is HEA...
Pictorial Representation of basic Git flow
Modify files in the working directory.
gedit test.txt
Stage the files, adding snapshots of them to your staging area.
git add -U
Commit, takes the files as they are in the staging area and stores that snapshot permanently to th...
Staging changes as multiple commits
Previous Git Blogs
1. Intialize git repostiory
2. First Commit
3. Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
4. Best basic practices for writing commit messages
5. Viewing the commit logs
6. Git Basic WorkFlow
7. What is HEA...
Viewing history and diffs
Previous Git Blogs
1. Intialize git repostiory
2. First Commit
3. Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
4. Best basic practices for writing commit messages
5. Viewing the commit logs
6. Git Basic WorkFlow
7. What is HEA...
Updating a file and adding it to repository
Previous Git Blogs
Intialize git repostiory
First Commit
Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
Best basic practices for writing commit messages
Viewing the commit logs
Git Basic WorkFlow
What is HEAD pointer in GIT
Viewing history
Previous Git Blogs
Intialize git repostiory
First Commit
Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
Best basic practices for writing commit messages
Viewing the commit logs
Git Basic WorkFlow
What is HEAD pointer in GIT
Git Configuration
Previous Git Blogs
Intialize git repostiory
First Commit
Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
Best basic practices for writing commit messages
Viewing the commit logs
Git Basic WorkFlow
What is HEAD pointer in GIT
Git SHA-1
Previous Git Blogs
Intialize git repostiory
First Commit
Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
Best basic practices for writing commit messages
Viewing the commit logs
Git Basic WorkFlow
In the last Blog Git Basic ...
Git Basic WorkFlow
Previous Git Blogs
Intialize git repostiory
First Commit
Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
Best basic practices for writing commit messages
Viewing the commit logs
To keep things simple I am using only one file...
Two tree architecture and Three tree architecture
Two-tree architecture
Is used by lot of other version control systems . In this we have a
repository and a working copy, our working copy begins with the top of our project directory and
below of that might be one or thousands of fil...
Initializing Git
once you have Git intalled and configured the next step is to initialize Git. It basically telling git to start tracking things in a project
git init /* command to tell Git to initializie the project to get everything ready to start doing i...
Get all modified files of all commits in a branch
We can check the modified files of a branch using:
git status
But it will list all those files which are not committed. Once these will be committed "git status" will not list these files. For this we can use following command which will ...
Get history of an individual branch in GIT
If you want to get history of your git repository then you can use simply:
git log
This will return you all commits.
If you want to check changes made in a particular commit then you can use:
git show "SHA-1 key"
SHA-1 is you c...
Top 10 Git commands that every body should know
Some of Basic commands:
git init : To create/initalize a git repository
git clone : To get a copy of existing Git Repository
git branch : To check the current branch on which you are
git checkout -b "new branch name" : Create a new bran...