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How to convert .AIR file to .EXE?
Hi Developers,
How to convert .AIR to .EXE?, How to silently install the .AIR file on windows desktop when the system does not have pre-install Adobe AIR?, it's a basic problem faced by every flash developers when working on windows deskto...
Debugging in AS3
Action Script is a Object Oriented programming language which is used for developing the websites and software which uses Adobe Flash Platform as their medium. For the Flash designer or the animator this language has a great scope...
Loading an external SWF file and Instantiate Class From a swf in flex using as3
SWF files are loaded using the Loader class:
1.Create a new URLRequest object with the url of the file.
2.Create a new Loader object.
3.Call the Loader object's load() method, passing the URLRequest instance as a parameter.
4.Call the addChil...