Hello Readers
In php there is a great role of php array, we will discuss about the in_array and array_key_exists in php with examples.
in_array in php:
in_array: in_array in php checks the array value it is exist or not to the given array.
It support the php verison 4 or above.
syntax of in_array in php:
bool in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] );
The above Parameters are:
needle: The searched value.
haystack: The array.
strict:If the 3rd param set true then the above array function (in_array) check the types of the needle.
So, in this if needle is found into the given array returns true, otherwise it returns false.
For Example:
$array = array("Web", "Technology", "Iphone", "Java");
if (in_array("Technology", $array)) {
echo "Record Found in array";
In the above example, there is a array contain the four value, and then we use the array function(in_array) to check the particular value exists in an array is found its return (return type) is true and print the message otherwise return false.
array_key_exists in php:
array_key_exists is the other array function in php which is used to checks is the given key or index exists in the array.
It support php version 4 or above.
syntax of array_key_exists in php:
bool array_key_exists ( mixed $key , array $array );
key: Value to check.
array: An array with keys to check.
It also return true on success or false on failure.
For Example:
$searchArray = array('Web' => 3, 'Technology' => 5);
if (array_key_exists('Web', $searchArray)) {
echo "Record Found in key";
In the above code we use the array (array_key_exists) and check the key of the particular value of the given array. If it is found return true else return false
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