over 8 years ago
Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss one of the wordPress function of widget api, the_widget(). Basically wordPress widget is nothing but a PHP object. Whenever widget() function is called, data displays on the page. If you work in wordPress then you have used the widgets through sidebar but most of the time we need to display the widget outside the sidebar then we have to use this function to display the widget so we start with the basic settings.
Syntax | the_widget( $widget, $instance, $args ); |
Parameters | Description |
$widget(string) |
This is required one. It is widget class name. There are many in-build widgets available in wordPress so you can use in-build widgets class name to display. in-build classes are
Widget Archives : WP_Widget_Archives Widget Calendar : WP_Widget_Calendar Widget Categories : WP_Widget_Categories Widget Links : WP_Widget_Links Widget Meta : WP_Widget_Meta Widget Pages : WP_Widget_Pages Widget Recent Comments : WP_Widget_Recent_Comments Recent Posts : WP_Widget_Recent_Posts Widget RSS : WP_Widget_RSS Widget Search : WP_Widget_Search Widget Tag Cloud : WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud Widget Text : WP_Widget_Text Widget Navigation : WP_Nav_Menu_Widget You can also use custom created widget to display. Default value is set to none. |
$instance(string/array) | This is optional one. It is used to set the settings for the widget. |
$args(string/array) |
This is optional one. It is used to pass the argument of widget. Default value is empty array. If it is not set then default argument will be active.
before_widget : text/html before the widget. Default is set to <div class="widget {widget's classname}"> after_widget : text/html after the widget. Default is set to </div> before_title : text/html before the widget title. Default is set to <h2 class="widgettitle"> after_title : text.html after the widget title. Default is set to </h2> |
You can check the details related to different parameters for this function. Now we are going to take a small example.
In above code we are trying to display the widget archives and we set the title and show the post count or not, show in dropdown or not. 1 means show post count as well as show in dropdown. Default values are 0.
As the above we can use other widget as well and can show your custom widget as well. Thank you for being with us.
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