Setting up a search ad means much more than choosing ad groups and keywords. In order for your ad copy to be effectively written, you must remember that its main goal is to sell products or services. Therefore, an ad must be perfectly crafted with the goal of reaching potential customers.
There is no such thing as rules for writing better paid search ads. However, there are several steps you can follow in order to achieve higher conversion rates through a detailed, step-by-step writing system.
1. Your Ad Must Carry Relevance
The more relevance you can add to your ad, the more likely it will lead to conversion. This is quite the obvious step of creating your ad since targeting the content of your ad towards the target audience is the only way a person would click on it.
In order to write an ad that is relevant, you need to break down the prospective customers into defined segments, creating separate structures and groups based on:
- Types
- Market segments
- Applications
- Location
If you find this step to be harder than anticipated, you can always use keywords to get a glance at which segments would lead to higher conversion. After you determine the keywords, the only thing you need to do is incorporate a big number of them in the content.
When focusing on relevancy, pay special attention to the headline. This is the first thing a potential customer will see when they see the ad, which is why the headline must contain at least the main keyword.
2. Get More Conversions by Adding a Value Proposition
A good value proposition can get you higher rate of conversion, as long as you pay attention to what your audience needs and what would make them take action. Once you determine the best value proposition of your target customers, you can use this for your advantage.
A value proposition should motivate people to click on the ad and increase your conversions. You can either use more subtle motivators such as 'award winning' or '20 years of service'; or more literal call to action, such as '10 days trial' or 'supplies are limited'. Check the articles of the best custom writing companies to get some inspiration.
Picking the best way to motivate your customers will depend on your business niche, the services you are offering and of course, the advantages you can present to potential customers.
3. Keep Trying & Innovating
Even if you give it your best shot, a headline or an ad may not provide you with the results you were hoping for. It usually takes more than a few times for a person to find the best value proposition or relevant content. Therefore, it is very important that you are persistent and simply keep testing out ideas. With every change you make, you will learn more about your audience and their preferences. Once you gather enough information, you can then create the best possible paid ad for your business.
Staying open to new ideas and getting updated on other people's experiences is the only way to craft the perfect ad. Get an inspiration from businesses of the same or similar niche in order to improve your knowledge on the paid search campaign and get a never-ending source of creative conversions.
Do not forget - even if you find the best content for your paid ad, you will still need to work on renewing and updating it in order to increase conversions.
Creating a good paid search ad is a difficult process that requires a careful and guided approach. Follow the above mentioned steps to increase conversions and create ad content that will attract customers and make them take action.
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