It is a common notion that graphic designers only create logos and make changes in Photoshop. While this is true, that’s not all. Every design you see – from a notebook cover to the packaging of a product, the design is created by graphic designers. They not only curate beautiful designs but are also responsible to represent the information appropriately.

For all the new designers making their way in the industry, it is essential for them to know how to move forward and face the challenges in the creative advertising agency. Here are the top 10 tips for you to get a head-start in the world of designing:
1. Take Inspiration
When you are starting on a project, you will get the urge of looking at other designers' creations. There is nothing wrong in taking inspiration from their work but make sure you do not duplicate their ideas or style. You will achieve success when you have your own unique style and the confidence in your capability, not by copying some other designer’s work.
2. Listen Carefully

At a 360 degree creative agency, ideas are bound to clash. To get a clear picture of your client’s requirement and expectation, ask as many questions and note down all the answers. This will act as a guideline to keep you on track and produce quality design.
3. Strive for Perfection, But Not Too Much
As crucial it is to deliver high-quality work, over working on the design can ruin it. Adding too many elements to make it aesthetic can clutter the design which is the opposite of what you want. Pay attention to the overall details and the purpose of the design. For instance, some of the most famous logos such as Google and IBM have the least design elements but serves its purpose with a strong impact.
4. Create a Portfolio
The importance of a portfolio cannot be stressed enough. It is the representation of your work and your creative capability which can help you get hired in top advertising agency in Mumbai. Make sure you highlight the best work along with other details such as why did you choose to design this. In other words, give the reason behind the chosen style and explain how the client benefited from it.
5. Quality > Quantity
Top rated advertising agencies nowadays are looking for designers to increase their sales, business reach, customer interaction and engagement. Hence, focusing on your quality of work becomes of utmost importance. If you are a freelancer, quality work is what will get you more clients.
6. Do Not Miss the Deadline
Some projects demand a lot of time and efforts, but that is not an excuse to miss your deadline. It can get exhausting working hard on projects but at the end of the day, it is your commitment that matters. If you do not deliver on time, clients may not want to work with you and that can harm your reputation.
7. Assess Your Work
A lot of times young designers make the mistake of undervaluing their work. If your ideas, design and concept stand out, do not take a job that doesn’t match your potential or do not say yes to clients that do not offer the correct price.
8. Deny Spec Work
For those of you who don’t know, spec work is any kind of work submitted or completed without any assurance of getting chosen or paid for it. There have been debates about whether designers should engage in spec work. Considering the amount of time, efforts invested in concept and research, such type of work should be avoided.
9. Keep Yourself Inspired
Every person in the creative industry faces a “creative block” at some point of time. And this is something that is inevitable. However, to keep yourself inspired and generate new ideas, you can browse through Pinterest, do research on designs and draw inspiration from them.
10. Communication is the Key
In order to give the best quality work, it is essential to have clear communication with the client. This helps in getting a clear understanding of what is expected out of the design. On the contrary, if there is not clear communication, this will hamper the quality design expected and the relationship with the client.
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