Hello reader if you want to send email using the email component in cakephp you need to run the email component of cakephp
You should place email send routine in your AppController:
function _sendMail($to,$subject,$template) {
$this->Email->to = $to;
// $this->Email->bcc = array('secret@example.com'); // copies
$this->Email->subject = $subject;
$this->Email->replyTo = 'noreply@domain.com';
$this->Email->from = 'MyName <noreply@domain.com>';
$this->Email->template = $template;
$this->Email->sendAs = 'text'; //Send as 'html', 'text' or 'both' (default is 'text')
Here $to is sender email.
Then use it from ANY controller like this:
for registering!','register');
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