How to setup a rating feature in rails application.
The best and simple way of doing so is by using RAILS GEM ratyrate by following simple steps.
Step 1: Include GEM in your gem file
gem 'ratyrate'
Step 2: Generate rating in respect of user by
$ rails g ratyrate User
Step 3: (Optional) Using with device
$ rails g devise:install
$ rails g devise user
$ rails g ratyrate user # => user is the model generated by devise
Step 4: Adding the ratyrate Associations
Open the Movie
model, or whatever MODEL you want to add the starring to, and paste the following code:
ratyrate_rateable 'visual_effects', 'original_score', 'director', 'custome_design'
Step 5: You also need to define the model which will provide the actual rating. For our MovieStore application, it is the User
model, so add the following code to it:
Step 6: Migrate the database
$ rake db:migrate
Step 7: Use it in the view level by the following code and remove whichever field is not needed as per your requirements:
<div class="row">
<div class="small-2 large-2 columns">
<%= imdb_style_rating_for @movie, current_user%>
<div class="small-2 large-4 columns">
<% if current_user %>
Visual Effects: <%= rating_for @movie, "visual_effects" %>
Original Score: <%= rating_for @movie, "original_score" %>
Director: <%= rating_for @movie, "original_score" %>
Custome Design: <%= rating_for @movie, "custome_design" %>
<% end %>
NOTE: If you want to use IMDB like rating average and auto hide stars after staring use following:
<strong>Review Score: </strong><%= rating_for @event, "original_score", disable_after_rate: true, imdb_avg: true %>
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