Today we are going to discuss the concept of rewrite rules in word-press. It is little confusing for lots of developers but if we check different methods of WP_Rewrite class then you can easily implement them in projects. Word-press provides class WP_Rewrite which contain methods and properties to implement the rewrite. Before we start with functions what i want to clear the concept of rewrite rules. Rewrite rules are helpful to change or modify the URL structure. If you work on word-press then you should be familiar with permalinks. Word-press provides different URL structures. With rewrite rules we can create new or custom permalinks. Now we will talk about the properties of WP_Rewrite class first. Please have a look.
This variable stored the current selected permalink and its value is also stored in database. You can get the current active permalink by using this code. global $wp_rewrite; var_dump($wp_rewrite->permalink_structure);
Useful to insert text before the category archive URL. Default value is set to be 'category/'
It is known as, combination of category base and '%category%'. it denotes the category archive structure.
Useful to insert text before the author archive URL. Default value is set to be 'author/'
It is a combination of author_base and '%author%' and it denotes the structure of author archive URL.
Useful to insert text before the pagination pages and default is 'page/'.
It represents the feed names like atoms, rss and rdf.
Useful to insert the text before the feed URLs. Default is set to be 'feed/'
It is a combination of feed_base and '%feed%'. Represent the structure of feed URLs.
Useful to put the any thing before the search URL. Default is set to be '/search'
Represents the structure for the search URLs. it is known as combination of search_base and '%search%'
Useful to put any thing before the comment URLs. Default is set to be 'comments/'
Represent the comment URLs structure and it is combination of comments_base and '%feed%'.
Represents the dated archive structure.
Represents the page and set to '%pagename%'.
Represent the text up to the start of the first tag in our $permalink_structure.
Represent the root of Word-Press and Prepended to all structures.
Used for the redirect part of rewrite rules.
rules is set by rewrite_rule() function
Non word-press rules which are not handled by the word-press and it puts in an associate array.
It represents the array of available tags for permalink.
we set the rewrite rules with regular expression and replace the tags accordingly.
Each tag will be replaced within the rewrite part of the rewrite rule.
In our next blog we will discuss the different available methods one by one in class WP_Rewrite. You can check different properties of the class WP_Rewrite. Thank you for being with us.
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