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  • Model Association in Cakephp

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    Defining relations between different objects in our application, for instance, a state have many cities, and belongs to a country , is termed as associations. Association establish a way to represent the database table relationship inside Cakephp. It helps in managing these associations easily.


    Association types in Cakephp:

    1. One to one - hasOne
    2. One to many - has Many
    3. Many to one - belongsTo
    4. Many to many - hasAndBelongsToMany


    Create Models for Country, State and City and paste the following code accordingly.

    class Country extends Model {
    	public $hasMany = array('State');
    class State extends Model {
    	public $belongsTo = array(
    	public $hasMany = array(
    class City extends Model {
    	public $belongsTo = array(


    Next, create view and paste the follwing code:

    code to fetch list of cities on the basis of state id:

    	echo $this->Form->input('Cities', array(
                        'options' => $city,
                        'empty' => '-- Select cities --',
                        "placeholder" => "-- Select cities --",
    					'id' => 'show_cities',
                        "name" => "data[User][city_id]"

    code to fetch list of states on the basis of country id:

    	echo $this->Form->input('States', array(
                        'options' => $state,
                        'empty' => '-- Select State --',
                        "placeholder" => "-- Select State --",
    					'onchange' => 'getstates();',
                        "name" => "data[User][state_id]"


    Create Controller:


    code to call the cities function:

    public function getCities() { 
    		$this->layout = null;
    		if ($this->request->is('post'))
    			$cities = $this->City->find('list', array('fields' => array('id','name'),'conditions' => array('City.state_id' => $state)));
    			$this->set('city', $cities);

    code to call the states function:

    public function getStates() {
    		$this->layout = null;
    		if ($this->request->is('post'))
    			$states = $this->State->find('list', array('fields' => array('id',''),'conditions' => array('State.country_id' => $country)));
    			$this->set('state', $states);


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