In my previous blog Keyboard Shortcuts for all Web Browsers, I discussed about some commonly used keyboard shortcuts every Web Developer or a Web Designer will love to use.
In this blog I will tell you about some keyboard shortcuts you can use while writing blogs or posts in Wordpress. You can save a lot of time & can speed up your process while writing posts, as Wordpress has its own keyboard shortcuts.
Editor Shortcuts:-
1. | Ctrl + c | Copy |
2. | Ctr + v | Paste |
3. | Ctrl + x | Cut |
4. | Ctrl + a | Select all |
5. | Ctrl + z | Undo |
6. | Ctrl + y | Redo |
7. | Ctrl + b | Bold |
8. | Ctrl + i | Italic |
9. | Ctrl + u | Underline |
10. | Ctrl + k | Insert or edit a link. |
11. | Shift + Alt + 1 | Heading 1 |
12. | Shift + Alt + 2 | Heading 2 |
13. | Shift + Alt + 3 | Heading 3 |
14. | Shift + Alt + 4 | Heading 4 |
15. | Shift + Alt + 5 | Heading 5 |
16. | Shift + Alt + 6 | Heading 6 |
17. | Shift + Alt + l | Left Alignment |
18. | Shift + Alt + c | Centre Alignment |
19. | Shift + Alt + r | Right Alignment |
20. | Shift + Alt + j | Justify |
21. | Shift + Alt + d | Strikethrough |
22. | Shift + Alt + q | Blockquote |
23. | Shift + Alt + u | Bulleted list is activated. |
24. | Shift + Alt + o | Numbered list is activated. |
25. | Shift + Alt + a | You can insert or edit a link. |
26. | Shift + Alt + s | Remove the link. |
27. | Shift + Alt + m | Insert the image. |
28. | Shift + Alt + t | Insert read more tag. |
29. | Shift + Alt + h | Shortcut window will open. |
30. | Shift + Alt + x | Code tag will start working |
31 | Shift + Alt + p | Insert page break tag. |
32. | Shift + Alt + w | Normal writing mode will start. |
Use these below-given shortcuts when starting a new paragraph followed by space, the formatting will be applied automatically. Press Backspace or Escape to undo.
33. | *(Asterisk) + space, -(hash) + space | Bulleted list formatting will start automatically. |
34. | 1.(One+dot) + space, 1)(One+bracket open) + space | Numbered list formatting will start automatically. |
35. | Greater than Sign(>)+[text]+Enter | Text will be in Quotes. |
36. | ##(Two Hash Signs)+[text]+Enter | Heading 2. |
37. | ### + [text] + Enter | Heading 3. |
38. | #### + [text] + Enter | Heading 4. |
39. | ##### + [text] + Enter | Heading 5. |
40. | ###### + [text] + Enter | Heading 6. |
41. | Alt + F8 | Inline toolbar is activated when an image or link is selected. |
42. | Alt + F9 | Editor Menu will start displaying.(only if enabled) |
43. | Alt + F10 | Editor Toolbar will display. |
44. | Alt + F11 | Elements path. |
These keyboard shortcuts are designed to save your time by allowing you to write post or blogs more rapidly. I hope these keyboard shortcuts will definitely help you. If any of the above keyboard shortcuts does not work or If I have missed any important keyboard shortcut, you must mention in the comments section.
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