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  • How to return the writeoff move.line which is to be reconciled in Odoo?

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    If you want to return the writeoff move.line which is to be reconciled follow the following code .


     return writeoff_move.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.account_id == self[0].account_id)
        def remove_move_reconcile(self):
            """ Undo a reconciliation """
            if not self:
                return True
            rec_move_ids = self.env['account.partial.reconcile']
            for account_move_line in self:
                rec_move_ids += account_move_line.matched_debit_ids
                rec_move_ids += account_move_line.matched_credit_ids
            return rec_move_ids.unlink()
        def create(self, vals, apply_taxes=True):
            """ :param apply_taxes: set to False if you don't want vals['tax_ids'] to result in the creation of move lines for taxes and eventual
                    adjustment of the line amount (in case of a tax included in price). This is useful for use cases where you don't want to
                    apply taxes in the default fashion (eg. taxes). You can also pass 'dont_create_taxes' in context.
                :context's key `check_move_validity`: check data consistency after move line creation. Eg. set to false to disable verification that the move
                    debit-credit == 0 while creating the move lines composing the move.
            AccountObj = self.env['account.account']
            MoveObj = self.env['account.move']
            context = dict(self._context or {})
            amount = vals.get('debit', 0.0) - vals.get('credit', 0.0)
            if vals.get('move_id', False):
                move = MoveObj.browse(vals['move_id'])
                if and not vals.get('date'):
                    vals['date'] =
            if ('account_id' in vals) and AccountObj.browse(vals['account_id']).deprecated:
                raise UserError(_('You cannot use deprecated account.'))
            if 'journal_id' in vals and vals['journal_id']:
                context['journal_id'] = vals['journal_id']
            if 'date' in vals and vals['date']:
                context['date'] = vals['date']
            if ('journal_id' not in context) and ('move_id' in vals) and vals['move_id']:
                m = MoveObj.browse(vals['move_id'])
                context['journal_id'] =
                context['date'] =
            #we need to treat the case where a value is given in the context for period_id as a string
            if not context.get('journal_id', False) and context.get('search_default_journal_id', False):
                context['journal_id'] = context.get('search_default_journal_id')
            if 'date' not in context:
                context['date'] = fields.Date.context_today(self)
            move_id = vals.get('move_id', False)
            journal = self.env['account.journal'].browse(context['journal_id'])
            vals['journal_id'] = vals.get('journal_id') or context.get('journal_id')
            vals['date'] = vals.get('date') or context.get('date')
            vals['date_maturity'] = vals.get('date_maturity') if vals.get('date_maturity') else vals['date']
            if not move_id:
                if not vals.get('move_id', False):
                    if journal.sequence_id:
                        #name = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_id(cr, uid,
                        v = {
                            'date': vals.get('date', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')),
                            'journal_id': context['journal_id']
                        if vals.get('ref', ''):
                            v.update({'ref': vals['ref']})
                        move_id = MoveObj.with_context(context).create(v)
                        vals['move_id'] =
                        raise UserError(_('Cannot create an automatic sequence for this piece.\nPut a sequence in the journal definition for automatic numbering or create a sequence manually for this piece.'))
            ok = not (journal.type_control_ids or journal.account_control_ids)
            if ('account_id' in vals):
                account = AccountObj.browse(vals['account_id'])
                if journal.type_control_ids:
                    type = account.user_type_id
                    for t in journal.type_control_ids:
                        if type.code == t.code:
                            ok = True
                if journal.account_control_ids and not ok:
                    for a in journal.account_control_ids:
                        if == vals['account_id']:
                            ok = True
                # Automatically convert in the account's secondary currency if there is one and
                # the provided values were not already multi-currency
                if account.currency_id and 'amount_currency' not in vals and !=
                    vals['currency_id'] =
                    ctx = {}
                    if 'date' in vals:
                        ctx['date'] = vals['date']
                    vals['amount_currency'] = account.company_id.currency_id.with_context(ctx).compute(amount, account.currency_id)
            if not ok:
                raise UserError(_('You cannot use this general account in this journal, check the tab \'Entry Controls\' on the related journal.'))
            # Create tax lines
            tax_lines_vals = []
            if apply_taxes and not context.get('dont_create_taxes') and vals.get('tax_ids'):
                # Get ids from triplets :
                tax_ids = [tax['id'] for tax in self.resolve_2many_commands('tax_ids', vals['tax_ids']) if tax.get('id')]
                # Since create() receives ids instead of recordset, let's just use the old-api bridge
                taxes = self.env[''].browse(tax_ids)
                currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(vals.get('currency_id'))
                res = taxes.compute_all(amount,
                    currency, 1, vals.get('product_id'), vals.get('partner_id'))
                # Adjust line amount if any tax is price_include
                if abs(res['total_excluded']) < abs(amount):
                    if vals['debit'] != 0.0: vals['debit'] = res['total_excluded']
                    if vals['credit'] != 0.0: vals['credit'] = -res['total_excluded']
                    if vals.get('amount_currency'):
                        vals['amount_currency'] = self.env['res.currency'].browse(vals['currency_id']).round(vals['amount_currency'] * (amount / res['total_excluded']))
                # Create tax lines
                for tax_vals in res['taxes']:
                    account_id = (amount > 0 and tax_vals['account_id'] or tax_vals['refund_account_id'])
                    if not account_id: account_id = vals['account_id']
                        'account_id': account_id,
                        'name': vals['name'] + ' ' + tax_vals['name'],
                        'tax_line_id': tax_vals['id'],
                        'move_id': vals['move_id'],
                        'date': vals['date'],
                        'partner_id': vals.get('partner_id'),
                        'ref': vals.get('ref'),
                        'statement_id': vals.get('statement_id'),
                        'debit': tax_vals['amount'] > 0 and tax_vals['amount'] or 0.0,
                        'credit': tax_vals['amount'] < 0 and -tax_vals['amount'] or 0.0,
            new_line = super(AccountMoveLine, self).create(vals)
            for tax_line_vals in tax_lines_vals:
                # TODO: remove .with_context(context) once this context nonsense is solved
            if self._context.get('check_move_validity', True):
                move = MoveObj.browse(vals['move_id'])
            return new_line
        def unlink(self):
            move_ids = set()
            for line in self:
                if not in move_ids:
            result = super(AccountMoveLine, self).unlink()
            if self._context.get('check_move_validity', True) and move_ids:
            return result
        def write(self, vals):
            if vals.get('tax_line_id') or vals.get('tax_ids'):
                raise UserError(_('You cannot change the tax, you should remove and recreate lines.'))
            if ('account_id' in vals) and self.env['account.account'].browse(vals['account_id']).deprecated:
                raise UserError(_('You cannot use deprecated account.'))
            if any(key in vals for key in ('account_id', 'journal_id', 'date', 'move_id', 'debit', 'credit', 'amount_currency', 'currency_id')):
            #when we set the expected payment date, log a note on the invoice_id related (if any)
            if vals.get('expected_pay_date') and self.invoice_id:
                msg = _('New expected payment date: ') + vals['expected_pay_date'] + '.\n' + vals.get('internal_note', '')
                self.invoice_id.message_post(body=msg) #TODO: check it is an internal note (not a regular email)!
            #when making a reconciliation on an existing liquidity journal item, mark the payment as reconciled
            if 'statement_id' in vals and self.payment_id:
                # In case of an internal transfer, there are 2 liquidity move lines to match with a bank statement
                if all(line.statement_id for line in self.payment_id.move_line_ids.filtered(lambda r: != and r.account_id.internal_type=='liquidity')):
                    self.payment_id.state = 'reconciled'
            result = super(AccountMoveLine, self).write(vals)
            if self._context.get('check_move_validity', True):
                move_ids = set()
                for line in self:
                    if not in move_ids:
            return result


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