Hello Reader!, On printing the url in plain text, they do not appears as hyper linked but using PHP you can perform this.
Let's see the example below that takes a plan url as input and return the hyperlinked url:-
function createHyperLink($url)
$url = html_entity_decode($url);
$url = " ".$url;
$url = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)',
'<a href="\\1" target=_blank>\\1</a>', $url);
$url = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tps://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)',
'<a href="\\1" target=_blank>\\1</a>', $url);
$url = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)',
'\\1<a href="http://\\2" target=_blank>\\2</a>', $url);
$url = eregi_replace('([_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3})',
'<a href="mailto:\\1" target=_blank>\\1</a>', $url);
return $url;
// Example Usage
echo createHyperLink("Hello this is url hyperlinking performing task on findnerd.com. Also it made the plan text of email id into likened mails as admin@findnerd.com");
Now in the output the code above, the url will appeared as a linked and email will appeared as linked mail (mailto:)
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