Ruby setter & getter methods are similar to properties used in .net. They are used to access the instance variables of a class outside the class using the object of the class. By default instance variables are only accessible inside the instance methods, but setter & getter allow us to access them outside the class directly with the use of object of the class.
Setter & getter can be accessed in the following ways in ruby
1) By defining the setter & getter methods which would be called using the object of the class.
class Vehicle
def initialize(name, company_name, color)
@name = name
@company_name = company_name
@color = color
def color=(new_color)
@color = new_color
def color
vehicle ="eon","Hyundai","white")
vehicle.color = "Blue"
p "New color for eon is = " + vehicle.color
After Execution we get :
taran@taran-System-Product-Name:~/Documents/ruby_prgms$ ruby Vehicle.rb
"New color for vehicle is = Blue"
2) By using the attr_reader & attr_writer methods given by ruby which automatically creates the setter & getter method for us
class VehicleNew
attr_reader :color
attr_writer :color
def initialize(name, company_name, color)
@name = name
@company_name = company_name
@color = color
vehicle ="baleno","Maruti","white")
vehicle.color = "Red"
p "New color for baleno is = " + vehicle.color
After Execution we get :
taran@taran-System-Product-Name:~/Documents/ruby_prgms$ ruby VehicleNew.rb
"New color for vehicle is = Red"
3) By using attr_accessor which provides both setter & getter method automatically. It is equivalent of using attr_reader & attr_writer
class VehicleNew1
attr_accessor :color
def initialize(name, company_name, color)
@name = name
@company_name = company_name
@color = color
vehicle ="XUV 500","Mahindra","white")
vehicle.color = "Black"
p "New color for XUV 500 is = " + vehicle.color
After Execution we get :
taran@taran-System-Product-Name:~/Documents/ruby_prgms$ ruby VehicleNew1.rb
"New color for XUV 500 is = Black"
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