In PHP, to create database in MySQL functions mysql_create_db() or mysql_query() is used. To create database using mysql mysql_create_db() syntax is as follows:
For example:
Suppose we want to create a database demo.
Create Database
$link = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "mysql_username", "mysql_password")
or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_create_db("demo")) {
print ("Database created successfully\n");
} else {
printf ("Error creating database: %s\n", mysql_error());
In above program first you connect to the server then you will create database using mysql_create_db(). If database created successfully it returns true else returns false.
To create database using mysql_query() function syntax is as follows:
mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE demo");
For example:
// hostname or ip of server
// username and password to log onto db server
$link=mysql_connect ("$servername","$dbusername","$dbpassword")
or die ( " Not able to connect to server ");
$query="CREATE DATABASE demo";
if (mysql_query("$query")) {
print ("Database created successfully <br>");
} else {
print ("Error in creating database:". mysql_error ());
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