almost 9 years ago
If you want to check and complete value of journal entry method in Odoo follow the following code:
if 'account_id' not in vals or 'journal_id' not in vals:
raise UserError(_("It is mandatory to specify an account and a journal to create a write-off."))
if ('debit' in vals) ^ ('credit' in vals):
raise UserError(_("Either pass both debit and credit or none."))
if 'date' not in vals:
vals['date'] = self._context.get('date_p') or time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if 'name' not in vals:
vals['name'] = self._context.get('comment') or _('Write-Off')
#compute the writeoff amount if not given
if 'credit' not in vals and 'debit' not in vals:
amount = sum([r.amount_residual for r in self])
vals['credit'] = amount > 0 and amount or 0.0
vals['debit'] = amount < 0 and abs(amount) or 0.0
vals['partner_id'] = self.env['res.partner']._find_accounting_partner(self[0].partner_id).id
company_currency = self[0].account_id.company_id.currency_id
account_currency = self[0].account_id.currency_id or company_currency
if 'amount_currency' not in vals and account_currency != company_currency:
vals['currency_id'] = account_currency
vals['amount_currency'] = sum([r.amount_residual_currency for r in self])
# Writeoff line in the account of self
first_line_dict = vals.copy()
first_line_dict['account_id'] = self[0]
if 'analytic_account_id' in vals:
del vals['analytic_account_id']
# Writeoff line in specified writeoff account
second_line_dict = vals.copy()
second_line_dict['debit'], second_line_dict['credit'] = second_line_dict['credit'], second_line_dict['debit']
if 'amount_currency' in vals:
second_line_dict['amount_currency'] = -second_line_dict['amount_currency']
# Create the move
writeoff_move = self.env['account.move'].create({
'journal_id': vals['journal_id'],
'date': vals['date'],
'state': 'draft',
'line_ids': [(0, 0, first_line_dict), (0, 0, second_line_dict)],
# Return the writeoff move.line which is to be reconciled
return writeoff_move.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.account_id == self[0].account_id)
def remove_move_reconcile(self):
""" Undo a reconciliation """
if not self:
return True
rec_move_ids = self.env['account.partial.reconcile']
for account_move_line in self:
rec_move_ids += account_move_line.matched_debit_ids
rec_move_ids += account_move_line.matched_credit_ids
return rec_move_ids.unlink()
if 'account_id' not in vals or 'journal_id' not in vals:
raise UserError(_("It is mandatory to specify an account and a journal to create a write-off."))
if ('debit' in vals) ^ ('credit' in vals):
raise UserError(_("Either pass both debit and credit or none."))
if 'date' not in vals:
vals['date'] = self._context.get('date_p') or time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if 'name' not in vals:
vals['name'] = self._context.get('comment') or _('Write-Off')
#compute the writeoff amount if not given
if 'credit' not in vals and 'debit' not in vals:
amount = sum([r.amount_residual for r in self])
vals['credit'] = amount > 0 and amount or 0.0
vals['debit'] = amount < 0 and abs(amount) or 0.0
vals['partner_id'] = self.env['res.partner']._find_accounting_partner(self[0].partner_id).id
company_currency = self[0].account_id.company_id.currency_id
account_currency = self[0].account_id.currency_id or company_currency
if 'amount_currency' not in vals and account_currency != company_currency:
vals['currency_id'] = account_currency
vals['amount_currency'] = sum([r.amount_residual_currency for r in self])
# Writeoff line in the account of self
first_line_dict = vals.copy()
first_line_dict['account_id'] = self[0]
if 'analytic_account_id' in vals:
del vals['analytic_account_id']
# Writeoff line in specified writeoff account
second_line_dict = vals.copy()
second_line_dict['debit'], second_line_dict['credit'] = second_line_dict['credit'], second_line_dict['debit']
if 'amount_currency' in vals:
second_line_dict['amount_currency'] = -second_line_dict['amount_currency']
# Create the move
writeoff_move = self.env['account.move'].create({
'journal_id': vals['journal_id'],
'date': vals['date'],
'state': 'draft',
'line_ids': [(0, 0, first_line_dict), (0, 0, second_line_dict)],
# Return the writeoff move.line which is to be reconciled
return writeoff_move.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.account_id == self[0].account_id)
def remove_move_reconcile(self):
""" Undo a reconciliation """
if not self:
return True
rec_move_ids = self.env['account.partial.reconcile']
for account_move_line in self:
rec_move_ids += account_move_line.matched_debit_ids
rec_move_ids += account_move_line.matched_credit_ids
return rec_move_ids.unlink()
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