Hello Nerds!
If you are going to develop a new project in cakephp then you might need Debugkit for that, and its really a lifesaving tool for rapid developments.
You can install DebugKit using doing the following steps as:-
Step 1:- You need to download DebugKit from this link Click to download
Then extract you download and name it DebugKit, and paste in Plugin Folder (app/Plugin).
Step 2:- Now you need to open bootstrap.php file from the location (app/Config/bootstrap.php), and write the following code:
This code will allow cakePHP to load you DebugKit tool bar on web browser
In the same way open file AppContoller.php from the location (app/Controller/AppController.php), and write the following code inside the class:
public $components = array( 'DebugKit.Toolbar' );
And also open the file core.php file from location (Config/core.php), you need to put ''debug' value to 2:
Configure::write('debug', 2);
Step 3: Finallly you just need to delete the 'sql_dump' element from your layout file, location (View/layouts/default.ctp), you'll find this at the end of the page.
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