In OpenERP, Tuple represents recursive relationship of type and the tuple models is a browsable model which start loading relationships type from and use it param ttypes which is a list of relationship types and follow 'one2many' and 'many2many'.
Recursive relationships return tuple list of previously followed relationship tuple - to avoid duplicates during recursion.
Use this funciont show below
def recursive_relation(self, cr, uid, model, ttypes, relation_fields=None, suffix=None, context=None):
if relation_fields is None:
relation_fields = []
local_rel_fields = []
models = [x[1].model for x in relation_fields]
model_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model')
model_osv = self.pool.get(model.model)
for colinfo in model_osv._all_columns.itervalues():
coldef = colinfo.column
coltype = coldef._type
relation_field = None
if coltype in ttypes and colinfo.column._obj not in models:
relation_model_id =, UID_ROOT, [('model','=',coldef._obj)])[0]
relation_model_browse = model_obj.browse(cr, UID_ROOT, relation_model_id, context=context)
relation_osv = self.pool.get(coldef._obj)
if coltype == 'one2many':
# don't record reverse path if it's not a real m2o (that happens, but rarely)
dest_model_ci = relation_osv._all_columns
reverse_rel = coldef._fields_id
if reverse_rel in dest_model_ci and dest_model_ci[reverse_rel].column._type == 'many2one':
relation_field = ('%s.%s'%(reverse_rel, suffix)) if suffix else reverse_rel
local_rel_fields.append((relation_field, relation_model_browse))
for parent in relation_osv._inherits:
if parent not in models:
parent_model = self.pool.get(parent)
parent_colinfos = parent_model._all_columns
parent_model_browse = model_obj.browse(cr, UID_ROOT,, UID_ROOT, [('model','=',parent)]))[0]
if relation_field and coldef._fields_id in parent_colinfos:
# inverse relationship is available in the parent
local_rel_fields.append((relation_field, parent_model_browse))
# TODO: can we setup a proper rule to restrict inherited models
# in case the parent does not contain the reverse m2o?
local_rel_fields.append((None, parent_model_browse))
if relation_model_id != and coltype in ['one2many', 'many2many']:
local_rel_fields += self._get_recursive_relations(cr, uid, relation_model_browse,
[coltype], relation_fields + local_rel_fields, suffix=relation_field, context=context)
return local_rel_fields
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