Do you own a business? Is it a small venture or a startup or a large scale company? Are you not doing marketing? Then you probably not doing the business in the right way.
Marketing is the undetachable part of any business. It is the most effective way of getting leads and converting them. No matter how good you are at what you sell, if you are not good at marketing, you are not giving justice to your talent. The funny part here is, marketing can get leads and good clients to those who are not so good in what they sell.
Moral of the story is that marketing is a must!
Companies usually spend more on marketing than any other tasks. Nowadays companies are ready to invest a huge amount of money to enhance their marketing activities. Companies are having a great impact on technology and are leaving no stone unturned to increase sales with the support of the latest technology.
One form of marketing is digital marketing. It is amazing, super fast, has various cons and is difficult too! What do you think digital marketers do? Organizations are hiring a digital marketing team, than traditional marketers. The reasons are simple. Users are spending more time on the internet as compared to previous days where they were spending more time on television and newspapers.
Have you ever tried different roles of digital marketing? Have you ever read about it? Let us consider the paid ads on Google. Google has facilitated the marketers to display ads of their products or services on the search page result pages.
Who can be the target audience? The ad should be displayed on what type of queries? Which keywords to target? Which areas to target? What time the ad should get displayed? What should be the offer in the ad? How do marketers decide these things? These strategies can be decided on the basis of deep and thorough research.
Do you or your marketers really have that much time and money to conduct such type of research? The only way to figure out who can be the target audience is through primary research. Which in short is not feasible.
Online marketing is not only about paid ads and article submissions. It is deep and important. It is a myth that marketers analyze data on their own. Digital marketing executives cannot analyze big data in few days without any tool.
Big data is a large set of information. The information can be related to anything. Literally anything. A common man can say that the data is useless. But the same data can be a game changer for a digital marketing executive.
What keywords are your competitors using? Whom should you target? What is the age group of your targeted audience? What type of content will attract them the most? What keywords should be avoided? How many new visitors visited your website pages this month? What time was spent by every visitor? All these are the important questions.
Big data is used to find out answers to these questions. Let us clear one thing. Big data is the raw data. The raw data can be either structured or unstructured. The raw data does not deliver any insight. Digital marketers do not act like data scientists and try to take out some meaningful insights from big data.
If your system is calculating every single act of user’s buying cycle, what technology are you using to analyze those acts? Most of the marketers are using API. API stands for application programming interface.
Digital marketers use API for the following tasks
API is an application programming interface. It is the hypothetical contract between two software. API allows developers to implement various features in the software. In simple language, a system or software asks for certain information from a particular storage.
API takes the command and makes the information available in the form of data. There are different categories of APIs like operating systems, web-based systems, database system, hardware system, etc.
1. To fetch big data:
It is always a question of concern for marketers that where to get big data from. Open Application programming interfaces offer big data to all. Anyone can access big data from open APIs. API makes it easier for marketers to connect to multiple data sources.
Marketers can simply call the API and the API delivers requested information. API enables faster data retrieval, processing, and analytics. There is a huge storage of raw data related to users and their buying behavior. The data also includes market scenarios and conditions. APIs help marketers to fetch all such data.
2. To analyze:
Let us take a simple example to understand properly. Imagine you have developed a game application for all smartphone users of Apple and Android. Your game is pretty popular. Your digital marketing team even has a facebook page for the game fans.
In a few months, you have achieved more than a million likes on that page. People are discussing numerous things related to the game. These discussions include some very helpful suggestions to make the game even better for users.
Is your digital marketing executive going to read all the posts and comments? It is not at all feasible. Marketers use Facebook API for this purpose. The new feature of API analysis helps marketers to analyze data in an easy way.
The digital marketing pundits are using API as a source to analyze big data in a proper way. It works as a bridge between big data and digital marketing.
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