Gradient Mesh in Illustrator:
Gradient Mesh, is an advance tool that allows us to create gradients in any shapes. The result in artwork seems like as it come right from the Photoshop. Every designer have his/her own way that how they apply gradient mesh on their art, Here I am starting with two ways to create a gradient mesh of the existing vector object:
I. Create a rectangle with a solid color in Illustrator.
Go to Object > Create Gradient Mesh. Now we can put the value of rows and columns in the dialog box

This dialog box includes other options that I never use :-) . If we use this method to create a gradient mesh, we get cells of the same size.
We can create mesh points and mesh lines with the help of the Mesh Tool (U). To do, simply click with the tool at the place where we want to create the first mesh point.

The rectangle has become a gradient mesh now and we can add new mesh lines, where it needed.

Using this method, we get freedom in creating the mesh. For not to create unnecessary points we should just click on the existing lines.
II. We can convert linear or radial gradient into a gradient mesh. Draw a rectangle with Gradient.
Then Select object, Go to Object > Expand.
and choose the Gradient Mesh option in the dialog box.

Now we can continue to build the mesh using the Mesh Tool

Controlling and coloring mesh points
Wecan select and move mesh points & its handles using the Mesh Tool (U) or the Direct Selection Tool (A).

To delete a mesh line, click on it with a Mesh Tool (U) with holding Alt.
There are three types of mesh points. The points that are located at the intersection of the lines can be colored; other types of points only to create the shape of the mesh. Select the points and color it .

We can create more complex art by using this technique.
Using this I have created this insect.

Controlling and coloring of gradient mesh is such a difficult task. To create a well-controlled gradient mesh of a complex shape it is necessary that we can use all the available tools of transformation and selection, such as the Rotate Tool (R) and Lasso Tool (Q). & loooootsssss of practice .
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