about 9 years ago
CakePHP uses the exceptions internally to show the logical cake PHP errors. All of the exceptions that occur in CakePHP raises a CakeException.
CakePHP is also having the number of exception classes that we can use for HTTP errors.
For congiguring exceptions in cakePHP we can use the code below
- Configure::write('Exception', array(
- 'handler' => 'ErrorHandler::handleException',//The callback to handle exceptions. You can set this to any callback type,
- 'renderer' => 'ExceptionRenderer',// The class responsible for rendering uncaught exceptions.
- 'log' => true // boolean - When true, exceptions + their stack traces will be logged to CakeLog.
- ));
Configure::write('Exception', array( 'handler' => 'ErrorHandler::handleException',//The callback to handle exceptions. You can set this to any callback type, 'renderer' => 'ExceptionRenderer',// The class responsible for rendering uncaught exceptions. 'log' => true // boolean - When true, exceptions + their stack traces will be logged to CakeLog. ));
If we changes the handler then this changing will allows us to take full control over the exception handling process. If we change the renderer , it allows us to change the output .
Exception classes
There are a number of exception classes in CakePHP. Each exception replaces a cakeError() error messages.
There are several built-in exceptions inside CakePHP -->
1-exception BadRequestException Used for doing 400 Bad Request error.
2-exception UnauthorizedException Used for doing a 401 Unauthorized error.
3-exception ForbiddenException Used for doing a 403 Forbidden error.
4-exception NotFoundException Used for doing a 404 Not found error.
5-exception MethodNotAllowedException Used for doing a 405 Method Not Allowed error.
6-exception InternalErrorException Used for doing a 500 Internal Server Error.
7-exception NotImplementedException Used for doing a 501 Not Implemented Errors.
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