This tutorial will help you to learn how to create rest api in cakephp. For this we need to follow the
following steps:
Step1: Create a database and a table say "users"
Step2: Now we will create the Users Model, Veiw and Controller.
users model:
class User extends AppModel {
Step3: Create a restful controller: RestUsersController.php
class RestUsersController extends AppController {
public $uses = array('User');
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
public function index() {
$users = $this->User->find('all');
'users' => $users,
'_serialize' => array('users')
public function add() {
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
$message = 'Created';
} else {
$message = 'Error';
'message' => $message,
'_serialize' => array('message')
public function view($id) {
$phone = $this->User->findById($id);
'phone' => $phone,
'_serialize' => array('phone')
public function edit($id) {
$this->User->id = $id;
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
$message = 'Saved';
} else {
$message = 'Error';
'message' => $message,
'_serialize' => array('message')
public function delete($id) {
if ($this->User->delete($id)) {
$message = 'Deleted';
} else {
$message = 'Error';
'message' => $message,
'_serialize' => array('message')
step 4: Now we will step a test ClientController
This controller uses CakePHPs HttpSocket class to make HTTP request to the REST service.
This client can be run from a separate application on a different server to truly test
communication between the client and the REST service.
App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');
class ClientController extends AppController {
public $components = array('Security', 'RequestHandler');
public function index(){
public function request_index(){
// remotely post the information to the server
$link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->webroot.'rest_users.json';
$data = null;
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$response = $httpSocket->get($link, $data );
$this->set('response_code', $response->code);
$variables = $this->set('response_body', $response->body);
$this -> render('/Client/request_response');
public function request_view($id){
$link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->webroot.'rest_users/'.$id.'.json';
$data = null;
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$response = $httpSocket->get($link, $data );
$this->set('response_code', $response->code);
$this->set('response_body', $response->body);
$this -> render('/Client/request_response');
public function request_edit($id=1){
// remotely post the information to the server
$link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->webroot.'rest_users/'.$id.'.json';
$data = null;
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$data['Phone']['name'] = 'Updated Phone Name';
$data['Phone']['manufacturer'] = 'Updated Phone Manufacturer';
$data['Phone']['name'] = 'Updated Phone Description';
$response = $httpSocket->put($link, $data );
$this->set('response_code', $response->code);
$this->set('response_body', $response->body);
$this -> render('/Client/request_response');
public function request_add(){
// remotely post the information to the server
$link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->webroot.'rest_users.json';
$data = null;
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$data['Phone']['name'] = 'New Phone';
$data['Phone']['manufacturer'] = 'New Phone Manufacturer';
$data['Phone']['name'] = 'New Phone Description';
$response = $httpSocket->post($link, $data );
$this->set('response_code', $response->code);
$this->set('response_body', $response->body);
$this -> render('/Client/request_response');
public function request_delete($id=4){
// remotely post the information to the server
$link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->webroot.'rest_users/'.$id.'.json';
$data = null;
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$response = $httpSocket->delete($link, $data );
$this->set('response_code', $response->code);
$this->set('response_body', $response->body);
$this -> render('/Client/request_response');
step 5: Now to check if we are the RestUsersController or not:
We tell the security component to unlock the various REST actions for the HTTP requests, otherwise.Hence we change the AppController.php file:
public function beforeFilter() {
// For RESTful web service requests, we check the name of our contoller
// this line should always be there to ensure that all rest calls are secure
//$this->Security->unlockedActions = array('index','edit','delete','add','view');
// setup out Auth
step 6: For making our application "RESTful" we modify our routes.php as below.
//In app/Config/routes.php...
For more information see the link below:
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